Want some help deciding which package is right for you?

8 week online course via Zoom, email and group chat.
Changing habits is hard, so having social support from 5 other like minded climbers helps to keep you committed. You’ll start with an individual 1hr assessment session, submit a video of you climbing for me to review, and receive a personalised mental skills training plan. Then you’ll join the group for 6 x 1hr online coaching sessions aimed at boosting your confidence ABC’s – affect, behaviour and cognitions – with plenty of exercises to practice in between. You’ll be part of an online chat group share ideas and support each other, before a final individual session to review your progress and set the direction for your future climbing goals.
Get in touch for dates and to go on the waiting list for the next course.

8 week online course via Zoom, email and group chat.
Fear of falling affects many climbers, stifling their enjoyment and stopping them climbing to their full potential. However, falling practice only helps a small number of people, and for some people actually makes their fears worse. This practical course starts with an individual assessment session, then over 6 weeks, we work through techniques to identify the root of your fears, manage your physical, cognitive and emotional states, and learn how to carry out exposure work (falling practice) safely and effectively. You’ll have access to email support in between from me, and to the online group chat for support from the group. We’ll end with an individual review of your progress and tips to go forward.
Get in touch for dates and to go on the waiting list for the next course.

Run in North Wales, online, or near to you (plus travel expenses).
For your club, team or climbing pals, these workshops can be tailored to your exact requirements, and in run in N Wales, or near to you (plus travel expenses). Previous workshops have covered anxiety management, performance psychology, self confidence for young climbers, fear of falling, recovering from injury, coaching skills, mental skills training, visualisation and imagery, preparing for competitions, and many more.